Join us for the e2t MASTERCLASS

The Experience Collective Masterclass will ignite your extraordinary life by connecting you to a community and allowing you to engage with the world through 12 customized experiences. You’ll identify your individual path to happiness and join a community launching the life of their dreams, one adventure at a time.


COURSE OVERVIEW: Participants join a community of fellow adventurers accessing tools to confidently identify and pursue their dreams while overcoming obstacles and insecurities.

Course begins Fall, 2021.

This class is limited and is only through online application. Not all applicants are accepted into the program.

Check back for Registration Opening and Application Deadlines.



WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: The first 12 weeks will focus on the following:

  1. The Belief System Adjustment, What’s Your Story?

  2. How to Access Deeper Enjoyment of Life

  3. Emotional Well-Being, Falling in Love with Yourself

  4. Realigning your relationship with your body, Rediscover the joy of movement

  5. Situation Assessment of Your Life Right Now

  6. Identify Your True Desires and Attune Them with Your Dreams   

  7. Evolve from Fear to Excitement + Achieve Your Dream #1  

  8. Time & Financial Assessment and Alignment  

  9. The Desire Compass, Identifying Your Life Map  

  10. Become ageless by breaking up with the concept of age

  11. Live Playfully with Creativity and Imagination  

  12. Deepen Relationships with Others 

Week 13 will be focused on Achieving A Big Dream. Together.

12 Components to Your Unique Path to Happines

Each of these 12 Key Components to Happiness are reviewed together within our community. Marci teaches the concepts and through group discussion, each participant identifies their unique method of experiencing the concept. 

The Mastery of all 12 Key Components to Happiness leads to fulfilling life deeply lived and enjoyed. As we work through each step, we explore your unique path to happiness with increasing depth and understanding. When step #13 is reached, you have mastered your own happiness and created a system that is natural and habitual and you are ready to continue to live the things you love.

Course begins Fall 2020. Registration will Open August 2020. Application process is required. Do to demand and limited space not everyone is accepted into the program each year.

E2T Adventures offers a variety of online courses and in-person classes and experiences to help you discover your purpose, ignite your passion, and find the courage to live life on your own terms.


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You’ll never be bored on an E2T Adventure! No matter what’s going on, Marci’s passion for life and empowering others to live their joy is contagious. Join Marci and her team for exciting live events.

Coming up next - kayaking trips!

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